Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss can only be achieved without dieting, because "all" diets make your problem worse.

Location: Ontario, Canada

A Student of both Western & Eastern methods of Personal Growth for Half a Century. A Teacher of simple & easy methods of Behavior Modification for enhancing personal Lifestyle for Success

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

: "Syndrome X is the name given to a metabolic abnormality characterized by excess amounts of insulin in the body, or hyperinsulinemia. It is associated with a diet overloaded with simple carbohydrates - the familiar white sugar and �hidden sugars� found in all processed and preserved foods - which very often leads to diabetes.
With annual consumption of sugar in the United States at over 150 pounds per person, it is not surprising that we have a major problem with Syndrome X. The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) says that we have an �unfolding epidemic� of obesity and diabetes. It is estimated that one third of all people born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes.
Other health problems that are a part of Syndrome X include hypertension (high blood pressure), abnormalities of cholesterol and triglyceride profiles, and heart and vascular disease. Obviously, we are talking about many of the leading health concerns of our day when we mention Syndrome X.
SyndRx (Pronounced sindrex) combines a proprietary blend of herbs that help your body control hyperinsulinism (Nopal, Konjac, Gymnema Sylvestre, Fenugreek and Banaba leaf) with insulin regulating minerals (Chromium, Magnesium, and Vanadium) and Alpha Lipoic Acid. This natural food formula may be the answer for helping your body avoid the ravages that Syndrome X can bring to it.
Review Complete information for ReShape America Weight Management Program"

: "A person�s life span is directly related to the exhaustion of their enzyme potential. The use of food enzymes decreases that rate of exhaustion, and thus, results in a longer, healthier, and more vital life. In addition, with regular use of N-Zyme, you will notice a significant reduction in indigestion and heartburn problems, diminished allergies, reduce gas and bloating, and improved immune function. N-Zyme contains: A variety of proteases (including Papain), Amylase, Lipase, Lactase, and Bromelain.

�I�ve been troubled for years by �heartburn,� and had been prescribed 800mg of (RX) at least twice a day�for more than a year. After taking N-Zyme for a week or so, I wasn�t getting the heartburn after every meal and I�m fine.�
Mary Ritter, Pryor, Oklahoma

�We started giving Courtney MegaZyme. Since she can�t swallow the capsules, we mix the powder in applesauce. She takes some when she eats and it helps her digestion. We also had her retested for the allergies and now she can eat almost anything thanks to N-Zyme.�
Kim Dilley, Tulsa, Oklahoma

: "Many scientists now believe that free radicals are the MAJOR villain in aging, and a prime factor in cancer, heart disease, strokes, arthritis, allergies and more. The link between free radicals and the aging diseases is the most important discovery since doctors learned that some illnesses are caused by germs.

Because no single antioxidant does the complete job, eRadicator combines over 20 of them in one supplement � all at therapeutic levels! Using only natural isolates (no synthetics!), eRadicator offers a complete formula that also takes advantage of the synergistic effect the antioxidants share with each other. That makes eRadicator your first line of defense against premature aging and a compromised immune system.

Neutralizes free radicals that cause our bodies to age from the inside out.

Each capsule contains: Beta Carotene (5,620 IU), Alpha Carotene (425 IU), Sodium Citrate (300 mg), N-Acetyl-Cysteine (225 mg), L-Methionine (225 mg), Ginkgo Biloba (180 mg-24/6%), Quercetin (180 mg), Curcumin (120 mg), Green Tree Extract (120mg-83%), Bilberry (120 mg-25%), Alpha Lipoic Acid (100 mg), SOD (25 mg), Tocotrienols (75 mg), Grape Skin Extract (60 mg�84-93%), Lutein (8 mg), Lycopene (6 mg), Chaparral Extract (375 mcg), Zeaxanthin (300 mcg), Catalase (300 mcg), Sodium selenate (75mcg).
�After reading everything we could find on antioxidants, we replaced the Pycnogenol he had been taking with the eRadicator. The result? Scott has only had one minor bout with seizures. (His) health and quality of life have improved dramatically.�
Diana Mapes, Summerfield, Oklahoma

�Using a double-dose of eRadicator, my blood sugar dropped 160 points in only 4 days!�
Doug McKenney, Beaver Dam,"

: "Strengthened Immunity
Improved Wound Healing
Reduced Inflammation
Enhanced Detoxification
Most cells in the body have carbohydrate (sugar and starch) molecules on their surfaces. These carbohydrates are attached to proteins or to fats, and act as receptors for bacterial or viral invaders. The invaders actually use these sugars as fuel to grow, multiply and attack the cell itself.
Special carbohydrates called mucopolysaccharides actually prevent bacteria and viruses from finding binding sites. In fact, they literally trap and destroy them. Polysaccharides also activate white blood cells that are important components of immune response, namely macrophages, T cells and B cells; additionally, they activate a group of more than 25 blood proteins that play a vital role in the body�s immune defenses.
These polysaccharides are actually manufactured by our bodies until puberty. After that, our only source is from a group of very special foods - foods that most of us don�t eat. Now, Immunal concentrates 4 of the most potent sources of these �miracle sugars� into one powerful formula.
Three capsules a day of Immunal provides your body with:
A patented, high potency source of Acemannin sugars concentrated from pure Aloe Vera.
Potent Astragalus extract, a source of immune-modulating and tumor suppressing polysaccharides
Powerful Larch Arabinogalactin, nicknamed �Atomic Echinacea� because of the high concentration of this polysaccaride in the Western Larch Tree.
High-linkage Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan, a unique polysaccharide extracted from the cell walls of specially grown nutritional yeast.
Regular use of Immunal enhances the functioning of your entire immune system. In addition, it facilitates cellular and organ repair throughout the body, assists in the de"

: "World�s only bioenergetically formulated, authentically natural, organic food-matrix supplement.

It�s a given. Since the food you buy in your supermarket these days has so little nutritional value, you must supplement your diet to maintain your health; reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and degenerative diseases of all kinds; retard the aging process; and protect against toxic injury. The only question is, which supplement do you choose from the bewildering array in the marketplace?

Only MultiPlex III is cultivated by a live, biodynamic growing process instead of chemical manufacturing. It�s created by growing nutritional yeast in a super-dense nutrient broth. What you get is a �living� vitamin and mineral supplement: a highly complex, interlocking system of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, active bioflavonoid groups, microprotiens, complex carbohydrates and countless other natural food constituents.

Make no mistake. MultiPlex III is unlike any other supplement you�ve ever used. It�s by far the world�s most powerful, body-friendly vitamin/mineral supplement. Only MultiPlex III can provide optimum nutritional levels while avoiding problems associated with mega-dosing of synthetic and co-natural vitamins.

Unlike any other supplement you have ever used.
�I developed asthma 15 years ago, and ever since have been on prescription medications and inhalers with no positive results. Then I found multiplex III and other products from Healing America. Within three weeks, I felt better than ever. This has changed my life!�
Deb Verkamp, Ferdinand, Indiana

�I have been diabetic for 48 years and have been taking health products for about ten years. I�m sure that most, if not all of them, have helped my health situation in some way. However, nothing was as noticeable as the MultiPlex"

: "Reshape America Weight Management
Complete Product Use instructions

And, of course, we have the awesome Block (super-liquid chitosan) weight-loss formula featuring the easiest way to reduce fat from your diet in the world.
The new weight loss product Ameri-Start is the perfect way to start reshaping America.
Ameri-Slim is a key component of the Healing America
Reshape America weight management program. It works with and complements SyndRx to bring about the metabolic corrections you need to get your weight where you want it - and keep it there.
Ameri-Shake is the ideal nutritious snack for everyone � whether working on weight management or not. It provides a great way for �picky eaters� to get more of the nutrition they need - and at only 93 calories per serving! Ameri-Shake
ReShape America complete 4-piece weight management program. Combines Ameri-START, Ameri-SLIM and the delicious Ameri-SHAKE and SyndRx for complete support.

: "The active ingredients in AGE-less, L-carnosine and DMAE, work as anti-oxidants, potent heavy-metal scavengers, and powerful immune system regulators. In addition, AGE-less reduces or prevents cell damage caused by beta amyloid (one of the prime protein risk factors for Alzheimer�s) and helps prevent and/or reverse nerve damage that can lead to tremors or uncontrolled shaking.

Once you appreciate what AGE-less does to prevent and reverse all the signs of aging in the body, and the role it plays in actually extending life, you�ll realize that supplementing with AGE-less is probably the single most important thing you can do to hold back the ravages of old age.

Now you can prevent and even reverse the aging process.
�I have a friend with Alzheimer�s in his 80�s who�s been using AGE-less for about two weeks, just two capsules per day. His wife (who is a nurse) relates that she notices his long-term memory has improved. Also, he�s more aware.�
Vera Cleek, Mt. Vernon, Indiana

�Before I started using�AGE-less�the skin on my hands was getting really thin looking and wrinkled, and I had a lot of wrinkles and bags under my eyes. (Now) my hands look lots younger, less wrinkled and more more soft than they have for ages, and the wrinkles and bags under my eyes are going away. I feel 10 years younger.�
Kathy Lobry, Vancover, Washington

�About five weeks after starting AGE-less, I noticed something very interesting; my grey hair did not seem so white. I thought maybe I imagined this. Because I know people see things they want to see�A week went by and now I was certain that my hair was changing�I asked my sister if she noticed my hair color and she replied, �Yeah, you don�t have as much gray as you used to.�
Daniel Wilson, Sheboygan, Wisconsin

�My mom"

: "N�ctavida

World's Finest Super Supplement
Over 120 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients
Vitamins and minerals at 100% Daily Value amounts
Supplies essential fatty acids and amino acids
Plus potent phytonutrients from Noni, Goji, Mangosteen and more
Super antioxidant complex to slow the effects of aging
Low Carbs - with no added preservatives
N�ctavida Product Report
N�ctavida helps supply a complete spectrum of nutritional
needs in one great-tasting liquid supplement
Once or twice per generation, medical science breaks with traditional patterns of thought and discovers natural ingredients that accidentally bring tremendous benefit to mankind. Examples are aspirin, penicillin, vitamins C & E, digestive enzymes, etc..... N�ctavida - �is the most scientifically documented Super Supplement ingredients list in history, backed by over 346,000 medical studies and published reports as listed on Medline.� The introduction of doctor-recommended N�ctavida - is the most potent source of these scientifically discovered all-natural ingredients to date (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients and more). N�ctavida is simply a better-health breakthrough. Enjoying just one ounce of N�ctavida per day means:
no more handfuls of capsules multiple times per day,
no more messy powders to mix - AND
no more nasty-tasting liquids to choke down
N�ctavida is the best way to take control of your health future with one, guaranteed-fresh, easy-to-use, great tasting, maximum-potency, once-a-day liquid supplement. Never before has there been a supplement that packed so much life-enhancing power into a single bottle, and done so cost effectively."