Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss can only be achieved without dieting, because "all" diets make your problem worse.

Location: Ontario, Canada

A Student of both Western & Eastern methods of Personal Growth for Half a Century. A Teacher of simple & easy methods of Behavior Modification for enhancing personal Lifestyle for Success

Friday, December 10, 2004

The Truth about green tea weight loss

The Truth about green tea weight loss: "The Truth
About green tea weight loss
Weight Loss and green tea

Using green tea as a weight loss aid can help in a Successful weight loss program, and has been "

Does high cholesterol and Being Overweight Scare you?

Does high cholesterol and Being Overweight Scare you?: "Does high cholesterol
Being overweight scare you?
By Lien

It should! However, all cholesterol is not bad.

There is good and bad cholesterol as most people know, and everyone knows that it is the oversupply of bad cholesterol that does the damage.

But� Did you know that

Part of the problem is"

Simple Solutions to child weight loss!

Simple Solutions to child weight loss!: "Childhood obesity has reached Epidemic proportions in America, and the accepted concepts of weight control, are simply 'Not Working'.

More and more children, are getting more and more obese every single year, but the answers are actually quite simple, if you're willing to do your homework.

Are you looking for a safe and easy child weight loss program?

If so�."

Ultimate weight watcher recipe for Permanent Results

Ultimate weight watcher recipe for Permanent Results: "The Ultimate Weight Watcher Recipe
to become
Slim for Life
Discover the 'Easiest' weight watcher recipe which will not only get you Slim, but more importantly...
Will Keep You Slim for Life
After all, what's the point in losing and regaining the same 20 or 30 pounds over and over again, but that's what's happening"

The Ultimate low fat recipe

The Ultimate low fat recipe: "Low Fat Recipe for
Permanent Weight Loss Success
The Best low fat recipe, Is"

The Ultimate Weight Loss Recipe

The Ultimate Weight Loss Recipe: "Weight Loss Recipe for
Permanent Weight Loss Success
The First Ingredient in your weight loss recipe, is to start with "

The Truth about gastric bypass

The Truth about gastric bypass: "Is gastric bypass
The answer to weight loss?
One of the most common forms weight loss surgery is gastric bypass and it is estimated that there will be over 60,000 of these gastric bypass surgeries performed this year just in the USA alone.
Your cost for this surgery can be as low as $15,000, but most Doctors charge between $17,000 to $22,000.
That's the good news, but...
Will gastric bypass Kill You?"

Is weight loss surgery for you?

Is weight loss surgery for you?: "Weight Loss Surgery
Is it for you?

Is weight loss surgery really your last Chance for weight loss?
This is a Very Serious Question that only you can answer, however it is Critical that you make an 'Informed Decision'.
To undertake weight loss surgery is something that should only be considered (if at all), when you have exhausted every other means, and... "

The Ultimate teen exercise for weight loss

The Ultimate teen exercise for weight loss: "Fat burning teen exercise
Most teen exercises won't burn off any significant amount of fat!
Exercise is one of the 3 Most Critical Factors for Permanent weight loss, and...
It's a lot easier to be Popular, if You're Slim!

Do teen diets Make You Slim or Fat

Do teen diets Make You Slim or Fat: "The right teen diets
Can Keep You Slim Forever
The average teen diets can make you fat...
It's hard enough to be Popular these days, without also being Overweight, and let's face it..."

Teen Weight Loss Center

Teen Weight Loss Center: "Successful Teen Weight Loss
Most teen weight loss plans 'Fail'!
Slim or Fat
It's Your Choice
Are you going to stay fat all your life?
That depends on...
How Smart You Are!
Let's face it... "

Simple Solutions to child weight loss!

Simple Solutions to child weight loss!: "Childhood obesity has reached Epidemic proportions in America, and the accepted concepts of weight control, are simply 'Not Working'.

More and more children, are getting more and more obese every single year, but the answers are actually quite simple, if you're willing to do your homework.

Are you looking for a safe and easy child weight loss program?

If so�."

The Ultimate low fat recipe

The Ultimate low fat recipe: "Low Fat Recipe for
Permanent Weight Loss Success"

Slim Zine for all the up to date Slimming News

Slim Zine for all the up to date Slimming News: "Subscribe to Slim Zine
Discover Fantastic Slimming Secrets in Slim Zine
Not Available Elsewhere
Everything you ever wanted to Know about Permanent Weight Control
But were 'Never' told
Every Issue of will contain a Featured Article, on a 'Critical Step' to becoming Forever Slim.
These Articles will appear in the Order of Importance.
Don't be left out... "