Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss can only be achieved without dieting, because "all" diets make your problem worse.

Location: Ontario, Canada

A Student of both Western & Eastern methods of Personal Growth for Half a Century. A Teacher of simple & easy methods of Behavior Modification for enhancing personal Lifestyle for Success

Monday, July 25, 2005

Is natural weight loss really possible?

Is natural weight loss really possible?: "Complete Natural Weight Loss

The Slim America Weight-Loss Project, is a complete and natural weight loss system which is totally safe, without the use of weight-loss pills to eliminate food cravings, but rather...

Our natural weight loss program uses sound nutrition, and top-quality super food supplements which enhance your health, and reduce your food cravings naturally, and also...

You don�t have to become a �health nut�, to succeed!

So for a totally natural weight loss system, check out the slim America weight-loss project, listen to the free audios, and if you like what you hear, you can start your natural weight loss program today, after all...

All our Lessons and Support Classes are totally free!"

Is natural weight loss really possible?

Is natural weight loss really possible?: "Natural Weight Loss
Only natural weight loss can be permanent. Going on diets and taking weight loss pills to eliminate food cravings is only temporary and leads to obesity.

Most weight loss systems are not natural, and that�s why the �failure rate� is over 98%.

There are no diets whatsoever, which lead to natural weight loss, because every single diet slows down your metabolism, which means that when you go off the diet, you will eventually gain back more weight than you lost.

How many people do you know, who actually kept it off?

So, dieting, is just not an option, if you want to keep the weight off for good.

Weight Loss Pills

Most weight loss pills or diet pills are nothing more than appetite suppressants, which help to take away food cravings so that you don�t eat, or don�t eat as much.

So in reality, what you�ve done by taking weight loss pills, is actually putting yourself on a very drastic diet, during which your body is getting progressively more starved for nutrition, and also...

Your metabolism will slow down to a crawl, and that�s your guarantee that when you go off the weight loss pills, you are going to blow up like a balloon, and eventually gain all the weight back, plus a few extra pounds as a bonus."

Weight gain during pregnancy, and weight loss after pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy, and weight loss after pregnancy: "What does the Baby Need?

In order to grow properly and be born healthy the baby is going to need lots of Nutrients, Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, etc...

If you provide these nutrients in order to grow a Healthy Baby, no problems, but if you don�t...

The baby will take what it needs from the mother�s body, and if that happens, you�re going to have �Two Problems�:

You�re going to be hungry all the time if you don�t provide the baby with what Nutrients it needs, so you�re going to overeat and have much more weight gain during pregnancy than you need to.
The baby is going to extract whatever Nutrients it can from your body, which is going to do a real number on your metabolism.

Now you have Two Problems!

First of all, you�re going to have excessive weight gain during pregnancy, which means that instead of gaining the normal 25 to 30 Lbs, you could gain up to 50 Lbs or more, and...

The extra weight is weight which will be very hard to get rid of after pregnancy, because...

Secondly, your body has been drained of stored nutrients, which means that now, you probably have a slow metabolism, so instead of easily losing the weight after pregnancy...

You�ll probably continue to have weight gain after pregnancy also."

Great weight loss articles

Great weight loss articles: "Click here for info on weight gain during pregnancy, and how to not gain too much weight.
As you follow the links you'll find lots more articles on different aspects of weight loss."

Great weight loss articles

Great weight loss articles: "Click here for info on excessive weight gain during pregnancy and what you can do about it.
As you follow the upcoming "

Weight gain during pregnancy, and weight loss after pregnancy

Weight gain during pregnancy, and weight loss after pregnancy: "Weight Gain During Pregnancy
After Pregnancy
How much weight gain during pregnancy is normal, and will you continue to have weight gain after pregnancy?

How will the link between pregnancy and metabolism affect how you�ll be losing weight after pregnancy?

Understand what causes excessive weight gain during pregnancy, and...

You won�t have any problems with excessive weight gain while you�ve been pregnant.

Will you get fat by having children?

Whether you�ll have weight gain during and after pregnancy is a choice, because it�s totally within your control once you understand what�s really going on, however..."