Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss can only be achieved without dieting, because "all" diets make your problem worse.

Location: Ontario, Canada

A Student of both Western & Eastern methods of Personal Growth for Half a Century. A Teacher of simple & easy methods of Behavior Modification for enhancing personal Lifestyle for Success

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Bodybuilding and Weight lifting links

Bodybuilding and Weight lifting links: "Bodybuilding Links
If you're looking for bodybuilding to gain weight and build muscle, check out the following links: "

Slim America Weight Loss Project Resource Directory

Slim America Weight Loss Project Resource Directory: "Welcome to the Slim America weight loss Project
Resource Directory
In this resource directory, you'll find interesting links on a variety of subjects.
We plan to add numerous links which could be of interest to our weight loss customers.
Although most of our customers are looking to lose weight, some people are looking to gain weight, so if you looking for weight gain or weight lifting, check out our resource directory bodybuilding links. "

Are low fat diets the Answer?

Are low fat diets the Answer?: "Are low fat diets
The Key to Success?
Are low fat diets 'The Answer'?
Of all the changes you can make to your diet, a low fat approach can be the most successful, as long as you are 'Not Dieting'. Don't waste your time looking for low fat diets, because...
The Secret here, is to make "

Can low cal diets can make you Fat!

Can low cal diets can make you Fat!: "Weight Gain
low cal diets
Going on low cal diets repeatedly, will Guarantee that you stay Fat for Life. The main problem with 'ALL' low calorie diets is that they slow down your Metabolism, and...
With a 'Slowed Metabolism', when you go off the low calorie diets, the weight returns 'Real Fast'."

Low Carbohydrate Diets Can Make You Fat

Low Carbohydrate Diets Can Make You Fat: "Low Carbohydrate Diets?
You Decide!
On extreme low carbohydrate diets, the 'Weight Loss' is dramatic and fast. That's great if you're Dieting for the purpose of losing water, because you'll notice that...
I didn't say Fat Loss! It's Mostly Water Loss
In the beginning, the weight loss is mostly water loss so it's only...
An Illusion of Success
And that's...
The Good News
Actually, there's more good News with a Low Carbohydrate Weight Loss Diet, and that is...
You'll have to give up a lot of foods you like: all the sugar and floor products, so gone are...
All the cookies, pies, doughnuts, candy, Chocolate, ice cream, rice, grains, potatoes, bread, etc.
Well, you get the picture, so the good News is...
You Won't Last on the Diet"

The Truth about green tea weight loss

The Truth about green tea weight loss: "The Truth about
Green Tea & Weight Loss
Weight Loss and green tea
Using green tea as a weight loss aid can help in a Successful weight loss program, and has been considered a medicine for 4000 years in China.
It is just recently, that green tea is being used as a green tea weight loss product in our Culture.
A green tea weight loss product supplement will suppress the "

Do Healthy Weight Loss Diets Exist?

Do Healthy Weight Loss Diets Exist?: "Permanent
Healthy Weight
Loss Diets
Healthy Weight Loss Diets don't really exist, but it's possible to eat a Healthy Diet, and Lose Weight, actually...
It's the Only Thing That Will Work!
The first step here is to...
Understand the terminology and what the words really mean. When some Company Claims to have Healthy Weight Loss Diets, read the 'fine print'. This is Important here, because were talking about your body and what you are going to do to it !!!
Abuse Is Common
When it comes to Weight Loss there are four words that are Totally Abused by the Weight Loss Industry, and they are... "

Easy Diets, Is it possible?

Easy Diets, Is it possible?: "Do Easy Diets
Really Exist?
Let's face it, the idea of easy diets is strange to most people because...
Most Diets are 'Not Easy', they're Hard, but that's not the real Problem
The real issue here is that... "

Can weight loss diets make you Fat?

Can weight loss diets make you Fat?: "Discover which weight loss
Can make you fat
This Article on weight loss diets will give you a whole new Understanding of your Weight Loss Problem!
Why do all diets Ultimately Fail??
The Obvious Answer Is Simple
Because on all weight loss diets, You Always Gain it Back, and Usually with A Few Extra Pounds As a Bonus...
As you begin to grow in awareness about weight, you begin to ask... "

Speed up Your Metabolism Naturally

Speed up Your Metabolism Naturally: "Increase Your Slow
Having a slow metabolism is one of the biggest weight loss problems today, and unless you speed up your metabolism the right way, you will never ever achieve and maintain your ideal weight.
Drugs & Herbs won�t help!
You can take all the drugs and herbs you want, but it will never solve your problem, so stop wasting your money for things that will make your problem much worse in the long run.
Of course, metabolism is a very complex subject, and there are hundreds of very unscrupulous companies who take advantage of that, in order to separate people from their hard-earned money.
Once you understand how it really works, you will never fall prey to these scams ever again, because you already have everything that you need, to boost it naturally."

Fat Farms, are they the answer?

Fat Farms, are they the answer?: "Fat Farms
Are they the Answer?
With fat farms or fat camps, the first Question you have to ask yourself is...
Can you Afford Them? If you can, then the next Question is: What benefits will you get from it? Let me save you a lot of time here, and a 'Lot of Money, because...
Typical fat farms, also known as weight loss camps, or fat camps, can cost on the average between "

The Truth about gastric bypass

The Truth about gastric bypass: "Is gastric bypass
The answer to weight loss?
One of the most common forms weight loss surgery is gastric bypass (some spell it bipass) and it is estimated that there will be over 60,000 of these gastric bypass surgeries performed this year just in the USA alone.
Your cost for this surgery can be as low as $15,000, but most Doctors charge between $17,000 to $22,000.
That's the good news, but...
Will gastric bypass Kill You?
Statistically, between 10 to 20 percent of all the people who undergo this weight loss surgery will have serious complications, and..."

Is weight loss surgery for you?

Is weight loss surgery for you?: "Weight Loss Surgery
Is it for you?
Is weight loss surgery really your last Chance for weight loss?
This is a Very Serious Question that only you can answer, however it is Critical that you make an 'Informed Decision'.
To undertake weight loss surgery is something that should only be considered (if at all), when you have exhausted every other means, and...
Most people who go through these types of surgeries, certainly feel that they have exhausted every other Option, and since you are reading this, it's quite possible that you feel the same way and are considering weight loss surgery.
There is another answer
If you've tried everything to lose weight, rest assured that "

Free Weight Loss Workshops

Free Weight Loss Workshops: "Free Weight Loss Workshops
To lose for life
Our free weight loss workshops will teach you everything you'll ever need to know about losing the weight, 'For the Rest of Your Life'
Everything you ever wanted to know, 'About Weight Control'
'Revealed' in these free weight loss workshops
'Learn the Secrets' the Weight Loss Industry doesn't want you to know! "

Can Fast Weight Loss be Permanent?

Can Fast Weight Loss be Permanent?: "Fast Weight Loss that�s
Yes it is possible to have fast weight loss that�s permanent, but you can�t achieve the weight loss by dieting.
Why is that?
All diets slow down your metabolism, that�s why, so...
The more drastic the diet, and the faster you lose the weight by dieting, then...
The faster you gain it all back, Plus...
The More you gain back.
The quick answer to rapid weight loss is to "

Simple Solutions to child weight loss!

Simple Solutions to child weight loss!: "Is child weight loss 4 Life?
Most child weight loss programs create more problems than they solve!
Setting a �Pattern for Life� that can create all kinds of physical problems in the future.
Childhood obesity has reached Epidemic proportions in America, and the accepted concepts of weight control, are simply 'Not Working'.
More and more children, are getting more and more obese every single year, but the answers are actually quite simple, if you're willing to do your homework.
Are you looking for a safe and easy child weight loss program?
If so�.
You as a parent must inform yourself first about how you can easily"

The Best diet foods for Permanent weight loss

The Best diet foods for Permanent weight loss: "The Best diet foods
Slim down Forever
What's the Ultimate diet foods, and what's the best kind of diet to be on for Permanent weight loss?
If you ever want to lose weight permanently, the best piece of advice I can give you is... "

Great weight loss articles

Great weight loss articles: "Informative weight loss articles on a variety of subjects including the Article on diet foods,
fat farms, and child weight loss, and also...
The Article on: 'weight loss diets' will give you a good understanding of why all diets 'Must Fail' in the end, plus you'll find other interesting Articles."

The Ultimate teen exercise for weight loss

The Ultimate teen exercise for weight loss: "Fat burning teen exercise
Most teen exercises won't burn off any significant amount of fat!
Exercise is one of the 3 Most Critical Factors for Permanent weight loss, and...
It's a lot easier to be Popular, if You're Slim!
However... "

Do teen diets Make You Slim or Fat

Do teen diets Make You Slim or Fat: "The right teen diets
Can Keep You Slim Forever
The average teen diets can make you fat...
It's hard enough to be Popular these days, without also being Overweight, and let's face it...
The Average teen diet
Can Make You Fat for Life
It's critical that you Inform Yourself as to what works and what doesn't, because today, it's pretty much common knowledge that... "

Teen Weight Loss Center

Teen Weight Loss Center: "Successful Teen Weight
Most teen weight loss plans 'Fail'!
Slim or Fat
It's Your Choice
Are you going to stay fat all your life?
That depends on...
How Smart You Are!"

Slim America Weight Loss Center

Slim America Weight Loss Center: "About the Center
The Slim America weight loss center is a 'Live Audio Conferencing Chat Room' where you can learn the 'Simple Solutions' to your weight problem, and keep it off for...
'The Rest of Your Life'
Our online weight loss center is the primary support system for the 'Slim America Weight Loss Project'.
All workshops and Lectures held in our weight loss center are free to the General Public, and the Lessons and Support are free to all participants in the Slim America Project"

Slim America Weight Loss Project

Slim America Weight Loss Project: "The Slim America weight loss project, Success...
Without Dieting
No Dieting whatsoever

No Strenuous Exercises. Never get out of breath.

No Equipment to Buy

No Diet Pills

No Herbs

No Drugs

No Prepackaged Meals
'You Eat Real Food'
Major Scientific Breakthroughs Revealed!
Our 'Leading Lady', Carlie S. from Ohio, has now lost...
Over 104 pounds!"

Secrets of weight loss 4 Life Revealed!

Secrets of weight loss 4 Life Revealed!: "The Slim America
Weight Loss Project
The Slim America weight loss project is dedicated to spreading the Secret Truth about losing all the weight permanently.
Lose All The Weight For Life
We�ve Discovered the Secrets of losing as much weight as you want and keeping it off for the rest of your Life, and...
It�s Simple and Easy
Easier than following any diet because you never deprive yourself. You�ll never go Hungry with this simple system because you eat �real food�
We just give you simple rules to follow, and you pretty much eat what you like.
There�s no dieting whatsoever! That�s why this is the kind of program that�s easy to stay on for the rest of your life."