Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss can only be achieved without dieting, because "all" diets make your problem worse.

Location: Ontario, Canada

A Student of both Western & Eastern methods of Personal Growth for Half a Century. A Teacher of simple & easy methods of Behavior Modification for enhancing personal Lifestyle for Success

Friday, September 15, 2006

New Adult Stem Cell Discoveries for Health & Weight Loss

New Adult Stem Cell Discoveries for Health & Weight Loss: "Adult Stem Cells
The Key to Health & Weight Loss
What are stem cells, and what do they have to do with health and weight loss?

Stem cells are different than any other cells in the body because a stem cell is able to become any other cell or tissue type. The implications of this are Mind-Boggling!

CNN reported that the recent advances in stem cell research were listed as one of the most significant health-related stories in the past 25 years, almost as important as mapping the human genome.

What are stem cells really?

Stem cells can be thought of as �Master Cells', and most of the Media coverage has focused on Embryonic stem cells (a stem cell from a fetus), because of all the Ethical, Moral, and Religious controversy surrounding embryonic stem cells. After all, it's controversy that sells newspapers etc. However...

There are two other types of stem cells known to Science that are less known to the general public."