Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss can only be achieved without dieting, because "all" diets make your problem worse.

Location: Ontario, Canada

A Student of both Western & Eastern methods of Personal Growth for Half a Century. A Teacher of simple & easy methods of Behavior Modification for enhancing personal Lifestyle for Success

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

: "The active ingredients in AGE-less, L-carnosine and DMAE, work as anti-oxidants, potent heavy-metal scavengers, and powerful immune system regulators. In addition, AGE-less reduces or prevents cell damage caused by beta amyloid (one of the prime protein risk factors for Alzheimer�s) and helps prevent and/or reverse nerve damage that can lead to tremors or uncontrolled shaking.

Once you appreciate what AGE-less does to prevent and reverse all the signs of aging in the body, and the role it plays in actually extending life, you�ll realize that supplementing with AGE-less is probably the single most important thing you can do to hold back the ravages of old age.

Now you can prevent and even reverse the aging process.
�I have a friend with Alzheimer�s in his 80�s who�s been using AGE-less for about two weeks, just two capsules per day. His wife (who is a nurse) relates that she notices his long-term memory has improved. Also, he�s more aware.�
Vera Cleek, Mt. Vernon, Indiana

�Before I started using�AGE-less�the skin on my hands was getting really thin looking and wrinkled, and I had a lot of wrinkles and bags under my eyes. (Now) my hands look lots younger, less wrinkled and more more soft than they have for ages, and the wrinkles and bags under my eyes are going away. I feel 10 years younger.�
Kathy Lobry, Vancover, Washington

�About five weeks after starting AGE-less, I noticed something very interesting; my grey hair did not seem so white. I thought maybe I imagined this. Because I know people see things they want to see�A week went by and now I was certain that my hair was changing�I asked my sister if she noticed my hair color and she replied, �Yeah, you don�t have as much gray as you used to.�
Daniel Wilson, Sheboygan, Wisconsin

�My mom"


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