Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss can only be achieved without dieting, because "all" diets make your problem worse.

Location: Ontario, Canada

A Student of both Western & Eastern methods of Personal Growth for Half a Century. A Teacher of simple & easy methods of Behavior Modification for enhancing personal Lifestyle for Success

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Is natural weight loss really possible? by SlimCoach Slim America Weight Loss Project, Health, Health and Wellness

Is natural weight loss really possible? by SlimCoach Slim America Weight Loss Project, Health, Health and Wellness: "SlimCoach
Slim America Weight Loss Project

Natural Weight Loss Is Permanent

Only natural weight loss can be permanent. Going on diets and taking weight loss pills to eliminate food cravings is only temporary and leads to obesity.

Not only is natural weight loss safe, but you�ll eliminate food cravings without taking weight loss pills.

Most weight loss systems are not natural, and that�s why the �failure rate� is over 98%.

There are no diets whatsoever, which lead to natural weight loss, because every single diet slows down your metabolism, which means that when you go off the diet, you will eventually gain back more weight than you lost.

How many people do you know, who actually kept it off?

So, dieting is just not an option, if you want to keep the weight off for good.

Weight Loss Pills

Most weight loss pills or diet pills are "

Is body mass index or bmi a real measure of obesity or is it flawed? by SlimCoach Slim America Weight Loss Project, Health, Health and Wellness

Is body mass index or bmi a real measure of obesity or is it flawed? by SlimCoach Slim America Weight Loss Project, Health, Health and Wellness: "SlimCoach
Slim America Weight Loss Project

Body Mass Index (bmi)
A Misleading measure of Obesity

Many professionals use body mass index also known as bmi as a measure of excess fat or obesity, but the system is totally flawed and misleading. So...

Don�t use body mass index, otherwise known as bmi, as a measuring stick to see if you are overweight or obese, because it�s totally misleading.

Yes if you are obese, the body mass index measurement will tell you that you are obese, there�s no doubt about that, however...

You could be only a bit overweight and the bmi tells you that you are obese.


You could be totally normal and the body mass index could tell you that you are overweight. So...

Why is bmi used?

That�s a good question!

First, it�s convenient. Anyone can "

Discover the best weight loss exercise! by SlimCoach Slim America Weight Loss Project, Health, Health and Wellness

Discover the best weight loss exercise! by SlimCoach Slim America Weight Loss Project, Health, Health and Wellness: "Submitted by: SlimCoach
Slim America Weight Loss Project

The Best Weight Loss Exercise

The exercise the experts are keeping a Secret. The easiest exercise in the world actually �Burns the Most Fat�!

There is only one weight loss exercise that's the best fat burning exercise for everyone by far, there�s not even a close second.

However, most so-called weight-loss experts don't teach this exercise, either because they are ignorant of the facts, or more than likely, because they can't make any money from it.

They can't make any money from the best weight loss workout, because you don't need to join a gym, and you don't need to buy any exercise equipment to do it.

People who advise that...

You have to go through all the different exercise routines on all the different exercise equipment in a gym, or buy all this weird exercise equipment, or that you need to be running for weight loss, are just giving you the runaround.

Weight Lifting As a Weight Loss Exercise

Many people who call themselves experts, make the claim that "

Is body mass index or bmi a real measure of obesity or is it flawed? by Armand Dupuis

Is body mass index or bmi a real measure of obesity or is it flawed? by Armand Dupuis: "then...

You can turn your body into a very efficient �fat burning machine�, lose all the excess fat, and still look slim and sexy.

The choice is yours. But that�s not all. With a simple system like this, all you do is a special kind of easy walking, and you�ll burn more fat, than with any other kind of exercise. Actually, if you get out of breath you�re doing it wrong, so how much easier can it get, but that�s not all...

The fat loss with this kind of simple system �is permanent�!

So you can forget all about body mass index or bmi, because it�s very misleading and can be very depressing, even when you are having some success.
Reference Box:Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, & Permanent Weight Loss Specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for over 4 Decades. Mr. Dupuis has presently specialized his Teachings, into a powerful permanent and �free� Weight Loss System, and Information is available on his Web Site. "

Is body mass index or bmi a real measure of obesity or is it flawed? by Armand Dupuis

Is body mass index or bmi a real measure of obesity or is it flawed? by Armand Dupuis: "You can actually build enough muscles that you start to look like �a Guy�, but you�ll still be fat, on the other hand, if you do the right kind of exercises like we teach in the free Slim America weight loss Project, then...

You can turn your body into a very efficient �fat burning machine�, lose all the excess fat, and still look slim and sexy.

The choice is yours. But that�s not all. With a simple system like this, all you do is a special kind of easy walking, and you�ll burn more fat, than with any other kind of exercise. Actually, if you get out of breath you�re doing it wrong, so how much easier can it get, but that�s not all...

The fat loss with this kind of simple system �is permanent�!

So you can forget all about body mass index or bmi, because it�s very misleading and can be very depressing, even when you are having some success.
Reference Box:Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, & Permanent Weight Loss Specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for over 4 Decades. Mr. Dupuis has presently specialized his Teachings, into a powerful permanent and �free� Weight Loss System, and Information is available on his Web Site. "

Discover the best weight loss exercise! by Armand Dupuis

Discover the best weight loss exercise! by Armand Dupuis: "Just ordinary walking won't do it for you, as there are 10 Secrets which we teach you in the free Slim America weight loss Project, which turns ordinary walking into a very efficient fat burning workout, but that's not all...

Not only is walking for weight loss a fast weight loss exercise and the best fat loss workout, but it will also a rebuild your metabolism so that you burn more fat the rest of the day, even when you're not exercising.

So you see, walking for weight loss, is really the best weight loss exercise available to you, because you really rebuild your metabolism, and that's the key to permanent weight loss.

Have a Great Life!
Reference Box:Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, & Permanent Weight Loss Specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for over 4 Decades. Mr. Dupuis has presently specialized his Teachings, into a powerful permanent and �free� Weight Loss System, and Information is available on his Web Site."

Discover the best weight loss exercise!

Discover the best weight loss exercise!: "Not only is walking for weight loss a fast weight loss exercise and the best fat loss workout, but it will also a rebuild your metabolism that you burn more fat the rest of the day, even when you're not doing a weight loss exercise.

So you see, walking for weight loss, is really the best weight loss exercise available to you, because you really exercise metabolism, and that's the key to permanent weight loss.

To learn more about weight loss exercise, check out the �free� Slim America weight loss Project, and you learn how to do the best fast weight loss exercise there is.

Walking for Weight Loss is a Fat Burner Exercise
For Everyone
Keywords: weight loss exercise, fat, lose, weight, loss, burning, exercise, workout, quick, fast, stomach
About the Author
Armand Dupuis,
Learn more about weight loss exercise
Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, and permanent weight loss specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for half a Century. As Founder of The Slim America Weight Loss Project, Mr. Dupuis has presently specialized his Teachings, into a powerful permanent Weight Loss System, and Information is available on his Web Site. "

Is body mass index or bmi a real measure of obesity or is it flawed?

Is body mass index or bmi a real measure of obesity or is it flawed?: "You can turn your body into a very efficient �fat burning machine�, lose all the excess fat, and still look slim and sexy.

The choice is yours. But that�s not all. With a simple system like this, all you do is a special kind of easy walking, and you�ll burn more fat, than with any other kind of exercise. Actually, if you get out of breath you�re doing it wrong, so how much easier can it get, but that�s not all...

The fat loss with this kind of simple system �is permanent�!

So you can forget all about body mass index or bmi, because it�s very misleading and can be very depressing, even when you are having some success.
Keywords: body mass index, bmi, fat, obese, weight loss, overweight, slim, obesity, fat loss
About the Author
Armand Dupuis,
Learn more about body mass index
Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, and permanent weight loss specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for half a Century. As Founder of The Slim America Weight Loss Project, Mr. Dupuis has presently specialized his Teachings, into a powerful permanent Weight Loss System, and Information is available on his Web Site. "

Is natural weight loss really possible?

Is natural weight loss really possible?: "In the Slim America Weight-Loss Project, we only recommend walking for weight loss, however just normal walking is not very effective either.

In the Slim America Project, we actually teach 10 secrets about walking, which not only help to turn walking into a very effective fat burner, but more importantly, also helps to rebuild your metabolism.

Walking for weight loss has to be part of any natural weight loss system because it helps to turn your body into an effective fat burning machine, which will cause you to burn more fat during the whole day.

Complete Natural Weight Loss

Only a complete and natural weight loss system which is totally safe, without the use of weight-loss pills to eliminate food cravings, and which includes a good walking program will result in permanent weight loss...

And also...

You don�t have to become a �health nut�, to succeed!

Have a Great Life
Keywords: natural weight loss, safe, nutrition, weight loss, diets, pills, food, cravings, vitamin, supplement
About the Author
Armand Dupuis,
Learn more about natural weight loss
Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, and permanent weight loss specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for half a Century. As Founder of The Slim America Weight Loss Project, Mr. Dupuis has presently specialized his Teachings, into a powerful permanent Weight Loss System, and Information is available on his Web Site. " - eZine digest and database - eZine digest and database: "Contributed by:
Armand Dupuis
�2002 Armand Dupuis
Website: Slim America Weight Loss Project"

Article Search Engine:

Article Search Engine: "In the Slim America Weight-Loss Project, we only recommend
walking for weight loss, however just normal walking is not
very effective either.

In the Slim America Project, we actually teach 10 secrets
about walking, which not only help to turn walking into a
very effective fat burner, but more importantly, also helps
to rebuild your metabolism.

Walking for weight loss has to be part of any natural weight
loss system because it helps to turn your body into an
effective fat burning machine, which will cause you to burn
more fat during the whole day.

Complete Natural Weight Loss

Only a complete and natural weight loss system which is
totally safe, without the use of weight-loss pills to
eliminate food cravings, and which includes a good walking
program will result in permanent weight loss...

And also...

You don�t have to become a �health nut�, to succeed!

Have a Great Life!

About the Author
Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, and permanent weight loss specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for half a Century. As Founder of The Slim America Weight Loss Project, Mr. Dupuis has presently specialized his Teachings, into a powerful permanent Weight Loss System, and Information is available on his Web Site."