Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss can only be achieved without dieting, because "all" diets make your problem worse.

Location: Ontario, Canada

A Student of both Western & Eastern methods of Personal Growth for Half a Century. A Teacher of simple & easy methods of Behavior Modification for enhancing personal Lifestyle for Success

Friday, July 22, 2005

Is body mass index or bmi a real measure of obesity or is it flawed?

Is body mass index or bmi a real measure of obesity or is it flawed?: "You can turn your body into a very efficient �fat burning machine�, lose all the excess fat, and still look slim and sexy.

The choice is yours. But that�s not all. With our simple system, all you do is a special kind of easy walking, and you�ll burn more fat, than with any other kind of exercise. Actually, we don�t ever want you to get out of breath, so how much easier can it get, but that�s not all...

The fat loss with this simple system �is permanent�!

So you can forget all about body mass index or bmi, because it�s very misleading and can be very depressing, even when you are having some success, so...

Instead of looking at body mass index or bmi, click here to check out the Slim America weight loss Project, listen to the free audio�s, and if you like what you hear, you can even start of your first free Lesson this very day.

All the Lessons and the Support Classes are free when you participate in the Slim America weight loss Project, and..."

Great weight loss articles

Great weight loss articles: "Then, there's the main article on weight loss surgery, and also a special one on gastric bypass.
Click here for a short Article on metabolism, and if you're wanting fast weight loss check out this Article
Discover how body mass index (bmi) is totally misleading and not a good measure of how fat you are whatsoever.
As you follow "

Great weight loss articles

Great weight loss articles: "If you're looking for fast weight loss this Article will give you the proper perspective, especially when you understand about how the free weight loss workshops work, so you don't pay any money whatsoever.
Discover how body mass index (bmi) is totally misleading and not a good measure of how fat you are whatsoever.
This Article is a 'must read' if you're considering weight loss surgery. Get the Facts twice before cutting!"

Is body mass index or bmi a real measure of obesity or is it flawed?

Is body mass index or bmi a real measure of obesity or is it flawed?: "Body Mass Index (bmi)
A Misleading measure of Obesity
Don�t use body mass index, otherwise known as bmi, as a measuring stick to see if you are overweight or obese, because it�s totally misleading.

Yes if you are obese, the body mass index measurement will tell you that you are obese, there�s no doubt about that, however...

You could be only a bit overweight and the bmi tells you that you are obese. That could be very depressing for no reason.


You could be totally normal and the body mass index could tell you that you are overweight. Not good.


Why is bmi used?

That�s a good question!

First of all it�s "