Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss can only be achieved without dieting, because "all" diets make your problem worse.

Location: Ontario, Canada

A Student of both Western & Eastern methods of Personal Growth for Half a Century. A Teacher of simple & easy methods of Behavior Modification for enhancing personal Lifestyle for Success

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

: "World�s only bioenergetically formulated, authentically natural, organic food-matrix supplement.

It�s a given. Since the food you buy in your supermarket these days has so little nutritional value, you must supplement your diet to maintain your health; reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and degenerative diseases of all kinds; retard the aging process; and protect against toxic injury. The only question is, which supplement do you choose from the bewildering array in the marketplace?

Only MultiPlex III is cultivated by a live, biodynamic growing process instead of chemical manufacturing. It�s created by growing nutritional yeast in a super-dense nutrient broth. What you get is a �living� vitamin and mineral supplement: a highly complex, interlocking system of vitamins, enzymes, minerals, active bioflavonoid groups, microprotiens, complex carbohydrates and countless other natural food constituents.

Make no mistake. MultiPlex III is unlike any other supplement you�ve ever used. It�s by far the world�s most powerful, body-friendly vitamin/mineral supplement. Only MultiPlex III can provide optimum nutritional levels while avoiding problems associated with mega-dosing of synthetic and co-natural vitamins.

Unlike any other supplement you have ever used.
�I developed asthma 15 years ago, and ever since have been on prescription medications and inhalers with no positive results. Then I found multiplex III and other products from Healing America. Within three weeks, I felt better than ever. This has changed my life!�
Deb Verkamp, Ferdinand, Indiana

�I have been diabetic for 48 years and have been taking health products for about ten years. I�m sure that most, if not all of them, have helped my health situation in some way. However, nothing was as noticeable as the MultiPlex"


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