Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss can only be achieved without dieting, because "all" diets make your problem worse.

Location: Ontario, Canada

A Student of both Western & Eastern methods of Personal Growth for Half a Century. A Teacher of simple & easy methods of Behavior Modification for enhancing personal Lifestyle for Success

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Slim America Weight Loss Project

Slim America Weight Loss Project: "Why lose the weight temporarily?
Yet over 98% of all the people who lose weight gain it all back, because they lose it by dieting. That's the reality, but...
It doesn't have to be that way.
That can all change when you participate in the Slim America weight loss Project, as you can easily lose all the weight you always wanted to lose, because...
We Discovered the Solution
It�s really so simple once you understand it. By combining Knowledge from many different Disciplines we�ve discovered the simple but Powerful Secrets which are not taught by the Weight Loss Industry.
The Project is now entering it�s 3rd Phase, and everyone who has followed our simple system so far� has lost �all the fat�, or the fat is still melting away.
Of course the Slim America weight loss project includes a number of...
Major Scientific Breakthroughs
After decades of research in weight control and behavior modification, The slim America weight loss project Reveals Major Scientific Breakthroughs, in "

Secrets of weight loss 4 Life Revealed!

Secrets of weight loss 4 Life Revealed!: "The Slim America
Weight Loss Project
The Slim America weight loss project is in part:
1. A Research Project.
2. An �Expose� of the Weight Loss Industry in America.
3. The Ultimate �Source of Truth� about Permanent Slimming.
We didn�t set out to create this weight loss project, it just evolved, and it represents...
A Major Paradigm Shift in weight control
Instead of �dieting�, the Slim America weight loss project focuses on minor Lifestyle adjustments, which results in quick and permanent weight loss.
This Breakthrough System means that...
All weight loss diets are �Obsolete�!
If something no longer works, it�s obsolete � End of Story!
The majority of all weight loss systems in America are diet based, and just look at the results:
The Failure Rate is �over 98%�
It doesn�t matter if the diet is"