Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss can only be achieved without dieting, because "all" diets make your problem worse.

Location: Ontario, Canada

A Student of both Western & Eastern methods of Personal Growth for Half a Century. A Teacher of simple & easy methods of Behavior Modification for enhancing personal Lifestyle for Success

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Replace diet pills with healthy supplements for safe appetite suppressants

Replace diet pills with healthy supplements for safe appetite suppressants: "Breakthrough Super Supplements
Just this year, 2005, the 'Slim and America Weight-Loss Project' has come across a line of super supplements which act as effective appetite suppressants, which means that...
These diet supplements are being fully absorbed by the body, and therefore making the body more nutritionally satisfied, otherwise, the cravings would remain.
Not only are our students who are taking these supplements eating a lot less, but they are also reporting a lot more energy, and a lot more stamina to get through the day.
The net result is...
Faster weight loss
Faster and safer weight-loss results are now possible without slowing down your metabolism, so that more effective fat burning takes place 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There are even special supplements available which help clear and utilize stored fat for better fat metabolism.
Weight loss that stays off.
Diet pills on the other hand, work exactly the opposite and slows down your metabolism 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so...
Taking diet pills doesn't sound like such a good idea when there is a much healthier option available does it?
The Free Slim America Weight-Loss Project together with healthy and effective diet supplements is the answer to staying permanently slim, fit, and healthy, and learning how to burn off the excess fat for the rest of your Life."


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