Permanent Weight Loss

Permanent weight loss can only be achieved without dieting, because "all" diets make your problem worse.

Location: Ontario, Canada

A Student of both Western & Eastern methods of Personal Growth for Half a Century. A Teacher of simple & easy methods of Behavior Modification for enhancing personal Lifestyle for Success

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Slim America Weight Loss Center

Slim America Weight Loss Center: "The Weight Loss Center
The Slim America weight loss center is the hub of your support system.
Enter The weight loss Center Here
Open Classes
Every Thursday at 8 pm EDT
Open to the General Public
Get all your questions answered Live
Find out if the Slim America System is for you.
You need a Mic and Speakers (or earphones) to attend.
About the Center
The Slim America weight loss center is a 'Live Audio Conferencing Chat Room' where you can learn the 'Simple Solutions' to your weight problem, and keep it off for...
'The Rest of Your Life' "


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